Get started with the Gemini API

Gemini is Google's largest and most capable AI model. This site contains all the info you need to start building applications with Gemini.

Google AI Studio

The fastest way to start using Gemini is with Google AI Studio, a web-based tool that lets you prototype and run prompts right in your browser.

For a quick introduction to the Gemini API, try out the quickstart notebook or the Gemini API quickstart.

Refer to the tutorials below to learn how to start developing with the Gemini API in your preferred programming language.

To learn how to use LLMs safely and responsibly, refer to the safety settings and safety guidance documentation.

  • To learn more about the models that power the Gemini API, refer to the models page.
  • The Gemini API and Google AI Studio are currently available in 180+ countries, check out the documentation to learn more.