Gemini API quickstart

This quickstart shows you how to get started with the Gemini API using the SDK of your choice.



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To complete this quickstart locally, ensure that your development environment meets the following requirements:

  • Python 3.9+
  • An installation of jupyter to run the notebook.


This quickstart assumes that you're familiar with building applications with Go.

To complete this quickstart, make sure that your development environment meets the following requirements:

  • Go 1.20+


This quickstart assumes that you're familiar with building applications with Node.js.

To complete this quickstart, make sure that your development environment meets the following requirements:

  • Node.js v18+
  • npm


This quickstart assumes that you're familiar with using JavaScript to develop web apps. This guide is framework-independent.

To complete this quickstart, make sure that your development environment meets the following requirements:

  • (Optional) Node.js
  • Modern web browser

Dart (Flutter)

This quickstart assumes you're familiar with building applications with Dart.

To complete this quickstart, make sure that your development environment meets the following requirements:

  • Dart 3.2.0+


This quickstart assumes that you're familiar with using Xcode to develop Swift apps.

To complete this quickstart, make sure that your development environment and Swift app meet the following requirements:

  • Xcode 15.0 or higher
  • Your Swift app must target iOS 15 or higher, or macOS 12 or higher.


This quickstart assumes that you're familiar with using Android Studio to develop Android apps.

To complete this quickstart, make sure that your development environment and Android app meet the following requirements:

  • Android Studio (latest version)
  • Your Android app must target API level 21 or higher.

Set up your API key

To use the Gemini API, you'll need an API key. If you don't already have one, create a key in Google AI Studio.

Get an API key

Then configure your key.


It's strongly recommended that you do not check an API key into your version control system. This quickstart assumes that you're accessing your API key as an environment variable.

Assign your API key to an environment variable:



It's strongly recommended that you do not check an API key into your version control system. This quickstart assumes that you're accessing your API key as an environment variable.

Assign your API key to an environment variable:



It's strongly recommended that you do not check an API key into your version control system. This quickstart assumes that you're accessing your API key as an environment variable.

Assign your API key to an environment variable:



It's strongly recommended that you do not check an API key into your version control system. Instead, you should pass your API key to your app right before initializing the model.

This quickstart assumes that you're accessing your API key as a global constant.

Dart (Flutter)

It's strongly recommended that you do not check an API key into your version control system. This quickstart assumes that you're accessing your API key as a process environment variable. If you're developing a Flutter app, you can use String.fromEnvironment and pass --dart-define=API_KEY=$API_KEY to flutter build or flutter run to compile with the API key since the process environment will be different when running the app.


It's strongly recommended that you do not check an API key into your version control system. One alternative option is to store it in a GenerativeAI-Info.plist file, and then read the API key from the .plist file. Make sure to put this .plist file in the root folder of your app and exclude it from version control.

enum APIKey {
   // Fetch the API key from `GenerativeAI-Info.plist`
   static var `default`: String {
      guard let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "GenerativeAI-Info", ofType: "plist")
      else {
         fatalError("Couldn't find file 'GenerativeAI-Info.plist'.")
      let plist = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: filePath)
      guard let value = plist?.object(forKey: "API_KEY") as? String else {
         fatalError("Couldn't find key 'API_KEY' in 'GenerativeAI-Info.plist'.")
      if value.starts(with: "_") {
           "Follow the instructions at to get an API key."
      return value


It's strongly recommended that you do not check an API key into your version control system. Instead, you should store it in a file (which is located in your project's root directory, but excluded from version control), and then use the Secrets Gradle plugin for Android to read your API key as a Build Configuration variable.


// Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable
val apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey


// Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable
String apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey;

If you want to see the implementation of the Secrets Gradle plugin, you can review the sample app for this SDK or use the latest preview of Android Studio Iguana which has a Gemini API Starter template (which includes the file to get you started).

Install the SDK


The Python SDK for the Gemini API is contained in the google-generativeai package. Install the dependency using pip:

pip install -q -U google-generativeai


To use the Gemini API in your own application, you need to get the Go SDK package in your module directory:

go get


To use the Gemini API in your own application, you need to install the GoogleGenerativeAI package for Node.js:

npm install @google/generative-ai


To use the Gemini API in your own web app, import @google/generative-ai:

<script type="importmap">
     "imports": {
       "@google/generative-ai": ""

Dart (Flutter)

To use the Gemini API in your own application, you need to add the google_generative_ai package to your Dart or Flutter app:


dart pub add google_generative_ai


flutter pub add google_generative_ai


To use the Gemini API in your own Swift app, add the GoogleGenerativeAI package to your app:

  1. In Xcode, right-click on your project in the project navigator.

  2. Select Add Packages from the context menu.

  3. In the Add Packages dialog, paste the package URL in the search bar: none

  4. Click Add Package. Xcode will now add the GoogleGenerativeAI package to your project.


  1. In your module (app-level) Gradle configuration file (like <project>/<app-module>/build.gradle.kts), add the dependency for the Google AI SDK for Android:


    dependencies {
       // add the dependency for the Google AI client SDK for Android


    For Java, you need to add two additional libraries.

    dependencies {
        // add the dependency for the Google AI client SDK for Android
        // Required for one-shot operations (to use `ListenableFuture` from Guava Android)
        // Required for streaming operations (to use `Publisher` from Reactive Streams)
  2. Sync your Android project with Gradle files.

Initialize the generative model


Before you can make any API calls, you need to import and initialize the generative model.

import google.generativeai as genai

model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro')


Before you can make any API calls, you need to import and initialize the generative model.

import ""
import ""

ctx := context.Background()
// Access your API key as an environment variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
client, err := genai.NewClient(ctx, option.WithAPIKey(os.Getenv("API_KEY")))
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()

// For text-only input, use the gemini-pro model
model := client.GenerativeModel("gemini-pro")


Before you can make any API calls, you need to import and initialize the generative model.

const { GoogleGenerativeAI } = require("@google/generative-ai");

// Access your API key as an environment variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(process.env.API_KEY);

// ...

// For text-only input, use the gemini-pro model
const model = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: "gemini-pro"});

// ...


Before you can make any API calls, you need to import and initialize the generative model.

   <!-- ... Your HTML and CSS -->
   <!-- Import @google/generative-ai, as shown above. -->
   <script type="module">
      import { GoogleGenerativeAI } from "@google/generative-ai";

      // Fetch your API_KEY
      const API_KEY = "...";

      // Access your API key (see "Set up your API key" above)
      const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);

      // ...

      // For text-only input, use the gemini-pro model
      const model = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: "gemini-pro"});

      // ...

Dart (Flutter)

Before you can make any API calls, you need to import and initialize the generative model.

import 'package:google_generative_ai/google_generative_ai.dart';

// Access your API key as an environment variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
final apiKey = Platform.environment['API_KEY'];
if (apiKey == null) {
  print('No \$API_KEY environment variable');

// For text-only input, use the gemini-pro model
final model = GenerativeModel(model: 'gemini-pro', apiKey: apiKey);


Before you can make any API calls, you need to initialize the generative model.

  1. Import the GoogleAI module:

    import GoogleGenerativeAI
  2. Initialize the generative model:

    // For text-only input, use the gemini-pro model
    // Access your API key from your on-demand resource .plist file (see "Set up your API key" above)
    let model = GenerativeModel(name: "gemini-pro", apiKey: APIKey.default)


Before you can make any API calls, you need to initialize the GenerativeModel object:


val generativeModel = GenerativeModel(
      // For text-only input, use the gemini-pro model
      modelName = "gemini-pro",
      // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
      apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey


For Java, you also need to initialize the GenerativeModelFutures object.

// For text-only input, use the gemini-pro model
GenerativeModel gm = new GenerativeModel(/* modelName */ "gemini-pro",
// Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
      /* apiKey */ BuildConfig.apiKey);

// Use the GenerativeModelFutures Java compatibility layer which offers
// support for ListenableFuture and Publisher APIs
GenerativeModelFutures model = GenerativeModelFutures.from(gm);

Generate text


response = model.generate_content("Write a story about a magic backpack.")


resp, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text("Write a story about a magic backpack."))
if err != nil {


async function run() {
  const prompt = "Write a story about a magic backpack."

  const result = await model.generateContent(prompt);
  const response = await result.response;
  const text = response.text();



async function run() {
  const prompt = "Write a story about a magic backpack."

  const result = await model.generateContent(prompt);
  const response = await result.response;
  const text = response.text();


Dart (Flutter)

void main() async {
   // Access your API key as an environment variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
   final apiKey = Platform.environment['API_KEY'];
   if (apiKey == null) {
      print('No \$API_KEY environment variable');
   // For text-only input, use the gemini-pro model
   final model = GenerativeModel(model: 'gemini-pro', apiKey: apiKey);
   final content = [Content.text('Write a story about a magic backpack.')];
   final response = await model.generateContent(content);


let prompt = "Write a story about a magic backpack."
let response = try await model.generateContent(prompt)
if let text = response.text {



Note that generateContent() is a suspend function and needs to be called from a Coroutine scope. If you're unfamiliar with Coroutines, read Kotlin Coroutines on Android.

val prompt = "Write a story about a magic backpack."
val response = generativeModel.generateContent(prompt)


Note that generateContent() returns a ListenableFuture. If you're unfamiliar with this API, see the Android documentation about Using a ListenableFuture.

Content content = new Content.Builder()
      .addText("Write a story about a magic backpack.")

Executor executor = // ...

ListenableFuture<GenerateContentResponse> response = model.generateContent(content);
Futures.addCallback(response, new FutureCallback<GenerateContentResponse>() {
      public void onSuccess(GenerateContentResponse result) {
         String resultText = result.getText();

      public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
}, executor);

What's next

To learn more about working with the Gemini API, see the tutorial for your language of choice.

You can also use curl commands to try out the Gemini API:

If you're new to generative AI models, you might want to look at the concepts guide and the Gemini API overview before trying a quickstart.